Stefanie Wilen

Marketing and Patron Services Manager

Stefanie Wilen (Marketing and Patron Services Manager) – Stefanie loves being on staff at Palo Alto Players! As a longtime Palo Alto resident and avid patron of Lucie Stern Community Theater’s resident companies, she is honored to bring a great theater experience to today’s audiences.

Stefanie brings over 15 years of experience in non-profit and community arts administration at Ragazzi Boys Chorus, where she carried out marketing, box office and patron services, website management and communications, along with volunteer oversite, chorus recruiting, alumni relations and project management. Stefanie was editor of elementary and high school PTA e-newsletters in the Palo Alto School District. With over 15 years of supporting the Palo Alto High School theatre program, she created and managed box office systems at the high school’s Haymarket theater and the recently opened Performing Arts Center. She finds great joy in supporting students’ passion for theatre and performing arts.

Stefanie holds a B.A. and graduate coursework in Cultural Anthropology from the University of Chicago. A classically trained flutist, she lives in Palo Alto with her husband, Rob. The parents of of three sons, they are delighted that each one has found a personal niche in theater and music. Stefanie is an avid reader, a long-time patron of the theater, symphony and opera, and is an ever-optimistic gardener and cook.

[email protected]